Jamaican national, 18 years or older and must be eligible for JAFTA General membership at time of application and must have at least applied to join via our online application (See https://www.jaftaonline.com/membership-and-benefits ) as at the date of application. NB. The selected participant, if not already a JAFTA member, will be required to obtain JAFTA membership status prior to participation in the Lab. If already a JAFTA member provide proof of membershp.
2. Emerging Producer who has produced at least one short film. (If you have also already produced a feature film, you
cannot have produced more than one feature film).
3. Producer Biography and Filmography which should include photo and contact information.
4. Link to at least one (1) previous film that you have worked on in a Producer capacity.
5. Producer’s Statement (which should include why you want to attend Rotterdam Lab and how will you benefit or learn
from participation in the Rotterdam Lab) 1-2 pages.
6. Producer must have a feature-film project (“the Project”) in development (early development or otherwise) that is suitable for co-production.
7. Project Synopsis of current feature film project in development (Max 1 page).
8. Project Status eg. rough draft screenplay, are there any attachments?(eg. Director)( Max 1 page). NB. there is no
disadvantage if there are no attachments in place or if your project is in early development.
9 Statement how you see the benefit of international partners, as an individual producer and for the project?
( Max 1 page)
10 The selected Producer, after completing the Lab, must be willing to provide at least two (2) public talks (whether
online or otherwise) as designated by JAFTA and/or JAMPRO to share aspects of what they have learned or their
experience at the Lab with the film community.
11 Producer must not yet have participated in a similar international lab.
Deadline: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 11:59pm EST/JA TIME
Email the above info and documents in One (1) single PDF to jaftaspecialprojects@gmail.com